Tues - Thurs 10-5:30  |  Fri - Saturday 10-5
1 Governor St, Providence RI 02906

About Us

About Us

Roz Rustigian


Delilah K. Rustigian

Employee of the Month

Edie Ajello

Repair Manager and Sales

Jose Debarros

Service Manager

Darren Dacruz

Service and Delivery

Paulina Kobylar

Paulina Kobylar

Sales and Marketing
Zoë Thompson

Zoë Thompson

Sales and Marketing

Sean Brown

Fabrication and Repairs

India Martin

Restoration and Repair Expert

Julia Murillo

Restoration and Repair Expert

Marna Cacho

Restoration and Repair Expert

V. George Rustigian

Rustigian Rugs was established by V. George Rustigian in 1930 in the midst of the Great Depression. "Rusty" graduated from Brown University in 1928 and continued on to Harvard Law School. The fall of the stock market compelled him to find a way to support himself and his mother. Prior experience in the oriental rug business in New York and New Orleans prepared him to take advantage of the familial contacts his mother had in the industry. The rugs he bought and borrowed from his benefactor, the Michaelian family in New York, formed the core of the Rustigian Rug shop which began in the family home on Benefit Street in Providence.

Business was good. Over the years, Rusty plied his trade in both new and antique carpets. Predictably, the business expanded in scope and for many years Rustigian’s was also a specialty vendor in the sale and installation of wall to wall carpeting. The 1802 Federal style house adapted to these changes: after WWII the basement of the Benefit Street house was excavated by hand so Rusty could have an office proper. The four-car garage became a showroom for rolls of carpet and, ultimately, the building which used to house the family horse (Gertie) was converted into a dry room for the rug cleaning operation. On a summer day, it was not unusual for a passerby to see the house literally draped in customer rugs – drip drying on fences, basking in the sun on the driveway and roof and hanging from specially built steel railings!

Open for business at our original
Benefit Street location

Rustigian Rugs flourished for 50 years up until Rusty’s death in May of 1980. That’s when Rosalind Rustigian (Roz to her friends and customers) stepped in and found she was able to maintain relationships with many a customer who remembered Rusty so fondly.

In 1981 Roz bought a former bank building at One Governor Street in Providence where the rug store now resides. By the mid-1980s, the store was modernized, adding a computerized system for operations, inventory control and customer service. For three decades we have maintained complete records of all customer activity. Should a mishap befall a purchased rug, a couple of key strokes calls up all sales history AND a photo. Similarly, any installed goods can be immediately identified for replacement or insurance evaluation.

In January of 1996 Roz attended the National Oriental Rug Market in Atlanta, Georgia. There she watched in astonishment as the CEO of the largest handwoven carpet company in the United States proudly accepted an award for “best in show” in the category of 6 x 9 Machine Made rug for under $149.00. Seismic changes were afoot and Roz realized that the rug business was about to change and change rapidly! On Monday she flew back to Providence and immediately started planning for the addition of a full scale wall-to-wall carpet operation.

In the fall of 1996 the carpet department was started in a bookcase on the first floor – an infant sister of the already robust handmade rug operation. Today, samples are showcased on the entire second floor of One Governor Street and operations are centered in a fully equipped warehouse which also serves as the service department’s in-house cleaning and repair plant.

The store has a full staff of employees (representing about 110 years of experience at Rustigian’s) with at least two teams of expert installers working out of the two locations at any given time. At Rustigian’s, local and global responsibility is emphasized, and the staff is encouraged to participate in local government and local charities. Rustigian Rugs also uses local professionals and vendors, to the extent possible, and keeps a “shop local” mentality in everything they do.

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Rustigian Rugs
One Governor Street, Providence, RI 02906

(Off-street parking in the rear of the building).
Call: 401-751-5100.

Tuesday - Thursday: 10am-5:30pm
Friday - Saturday : 10am-5:00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday

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Copyright 2023 by V. George Rustigian Rugs